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Help, I've started creating a bunch of new articles, and I can't stop

From Bloomingpedia

Help, I've started creating a bunch of new articles, and I can't stop is the feeling you may feel if you start creating several articles on Bloomingpedia and find that its just too much fun to stop. You may panic and find that its hard to stop creating new articles.


  • Mouse button finger
  • Sporatic typing ability
  • Shortness of breath
  • Muscle spasms


  • Take breaks between articles
  • Make sure you drink plenty of fluids.
  • Get some sleep
  • TV/VCR repair
  • Or, get your degree (you can major in accounting)

See also: Help, I can't stop editing articles, Massive Uploads Disease (MUD), Revetileditus, Rick Schmelz Syndrome, Categoritus B