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Lake Lemon

Lake Lemon, the 11th largest lake in Indiana, comprises 24 miles of shoreline in the northeastern part of Monroe County, which is 1650 acres. It was created in 1953 by damming the Bean Blossom Creek, as a water source for Bloomington but was replaced in that capacity less than 20 years later by the much larger Lake Monroe. The lake was named in honor of Bloomington Mayor Tom Lemon. The Indiana University Aquatic Center is on the shoreline, as is the Little Africa Wildlife Viewing Area, a popular place for bird watching.
Riddle Point
Eddie Point is a nice area to go for picnics and swimming, with a small parking charge. A shelter is available, as is Tulip Trace Trail, a nature walk maintained by local scouts. To reach Riddle Point, drive out on SR 45 east to Unionville. Turn left on Tunnel Road and go all the way to the end.
Beechwood Heights
Indiana University owns 35 acres around the lake, which includes the Indiana University Aquatic Center. The Beechwood Heights facility is home to the IU women's rowing team, kinesiology waterfront classes and IU aquatics club sports.